Welcome to the Canadian world

  • Google’s reversal on third-party cookies: what it means for privacy and advertising

    Google’s reversal on third-party cookies: what it means for privacy and advertising

  • Toronto's battle against climate change - learning from floods

    Toronto's battle against climate change - learning from floods

  • Ontario's new tow truck certification rules

    Ontario's new tow truck certification rules

  • Edmonton Doctor set to be first Canadian woman to become a commercial astronaut

    Edmonton Doctor set to be first Canadian woman to become a commercial astronaut

  • High Class Escort in Zurich -  An Experience of Excellence

    High Class Escort in Zurich - An Experience of Excellence

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Lifestyle & Fashion

  • The importance of workplace friendships in the era of remote work

    The importance of workplace friendships in the era of remote work The issue of loneliness has been a growing concern for decades, as highlighted by Robert D. Putnam in his seminal book “Bowling Alone” nearly 25 years ago. The advent of remote work has only exacerbated this problem, impacting both extroverts and introverts alike. Leadership expert Michael Bungay Stanier, author of “How to Work with (Almost) Anyone,” emphasizes the increasing difficulty of forming and maintaining workplace friendships in a remote environment. Read More
  • Making a Splash - Choosing the Perfect Swimming Gear for Kids

    Making a Splash - Choosing the Perfect Swimming Gear for Kids Introducing children to the joy of swimming is a milestone moment, filled with excitement and anticipation. Yet, amidst the thrill of splashing in the water, safety and comfort stand as paramount concerns for parents and guardians. In this aquatic adventure, children's swimming goggles emerge as the unsung heroes, offering young swimmers the clarity and confidence they need to explore the water with ease and excitement. Read More
  • The Ongoing Trend of Adult Children Living with Parents

    The Ongoing Trend of Adult Children Living with Parents In recent news, the compelling story of an Italian mother's firm stance against her 40-year-old sons' reluctance to leave the family home has sparked conversations about the prevalent phenomenon of adult children residing with their parents. The incident, reported by the La Provincia Pavese newspaper on October 30, 2023, sheds light on the complex dynamics shaped by financial challenges and deep-rooted cultural traditions, especially evident in regions like the Balkans and Mediterranean countries. Read More
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Health & Beauty

  • The benefits of cold showers: a comprehensive overview

    The benefits of cold showers: a comprehensive overview Cold showers have long been touted for their various health benefits, ranging from improved cardiovascular health to enhanced mental clarity. This practice, known as cold water immersion or cryotherapy, has a rich history dating back to ancient Greece. Today, it remains a topic of interest for both scientific research and anecdotal evidence, as people explore its potential to boost physical and mental well-being. Read More
  • Support and Criticism for Canadian Dental Care Plan among health professionals

    Support and Criticism for Canadian Dental Care Plan among health professionals The rollout of the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) has ignited a divide among oral health - care providers, with various groups expressing differing levels of support and criticism. While dentists raise concerns about the program's complexity and administrative demands, other oral health - care professionals such as denturists, dental hygienists, and assistants have expressed strong support for the initiative. Read More
  • Halted Production - Montreal's Vaccine Plant Yet to Deliver COVID - 19 Shots

    Halted Production - Montreal's Vaccine Plant Yet to Deliver COVID - 19 Shots Four years ago, at the peak of the COVID - 19 pandemic, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a significant investment in a Montreal - based vaccine manufacturing facility, promising rapid production of Canadian - made COVID - 19 vaccines. Yet, years later, the Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC), despite being fully constructed and operational, has not produced a single vial of usable vaccine. Read More
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Cars & Tech

  • Google’s reversal on third-party cookies: what it means for privacy and advertising

    Google’s reversal on third-party cookies: what it means for privacy and advertising After years of pledging to phase out third-party cookies, Google announced on Monday that it will continue to support them in its Chrome browser. This significant shift follows mounting concerns from advertisers, who rely heavily on cookies for tracking and personalizing ads. Google’s decision has sparked mixed reactions from various stakeholders, including regulators, privacy advocates, and the digital advertising community. Read More
  • Toronto's battle against climate change - learning from floods

    Toronto's battle against climate change - learning from floods Almost 11 years ago, on July 8, 2013, Toronto experienced a deluge of rain that caused widespread flooding, infrastructure damage, and power outages. The city received over a month's worth of rain in just a few hours. Roads turned into rivers, subway entrances became waterfalls, and the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) was submerged as the Don River overflowed. This event left nearly 300,000 residents without power and stranded a GO Transit commuter train with 1,400 passengers. Fast forward to 11 Read More
  • Edmonton Doctor set to be first Canadian woman to become a commercial astronaut

    Edmonton Doctor set to be first Canadian woman to become a commercial astronaut In a landmark for Canadian space travel, Edmonton's Dr. Shawna Pandya is poised to become the first Canadian woman to embark on a commercial space flight. Dr. Pandya's upcoming mission not only represents a personal achievement but also marks a significant milestone in the commercialization of space travel. Read More
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Food & Travel

Challenges for Palestinians seeking refuge in Canada

In the ongoing crisis surrounding the Rafah campaign in the Gaza Strip, nearly 200 Palestinians have successfully fled Gaza, gaining approval to travel to Canada. However, their journey has been fraught with challenges, including the costly need to smuggle themselves into Egypt - an option now blocked by recent military actions.

Rafah campaign closes off exit routes

The conflict in Rafah, escalated by an Israeli military campaign, has significantly hindered the movement of Gazans seeking refuge. Despite a ceasefire agreement proposed by Egypt and Qatar, Israel has continued its operations in the area, rejecting the deal over unacceptable terms. This incursion has shut down the primary exit point at Rafah, affecting the lives of over a million Gazans who have sought shelter there from the ongoing war. Hazim Almasri, a resident of Kitchener, Ontario, has expressed his concern and sorrow as his attempts to bring his family to safety in Canada are stalled by these developments.

Canadian immigration efforts and challengese

In January, the Canadian government introduced the Special Measures for Extended Families of Palestinian Canadians in Gaza, aiming to facilitate temporary relocation for those caught in the conflict. This program, however, depends heavily on the cooperation of both Israeli and Egyptian authorities to approve individuals for travel through Rafah - a hurdle that has proven insurmountable so far. Despite submitting multiple lists of approved candidates, all have been rejected, with the reasons for this remaining undisclosed. This has left many, like Hazim's brother Nael, in a precarious position, still trapped in Gaza and losing hope of escape.

Personal impact and political response

The situation has a deep personal impact on the families involved. Nael Almasri, meeting with a journalist in Deir El Balah, shared the terror of living under constant threat, his family having narrowly survived a bombing. Meanwhile, political figures like Mike Morris, a Green Party member of Parliament, have criticized the inefficacy of the program and urged continued diplomatic efforts to improve the situation. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has also expressed concern for the Gazans’ plight and discouraged the use of people - smuggling services, though they acknowledge the desperation that leads some to resort to such measures.

As of late April, while 179 people have been approved to come to Canada, none have been able to leave Gaza through official channels due to the ongoing conflict and diplomatic challenges. The Canadian government remains committed to assisting these individuals, but the road to safety remains fraught with obstacles and uncertainty. Families like the Almasris continue to hold onto hope, despite the dire circumstances that hamper their journey to a safer life.

Source: CBC